RUNCOIN: Overview and Details
What is RUNCOIN?
RUNCOIN, symbolized as OBR, is a digital token that is designed to incentivize and reward running activities within a specific running community or challenge. It works by translating your physical efforts into tangible, digital rewards, creating a unique blend of physical fitness and digital asset generation.
Technical Characteristics
Token symbol: OBR
Standard: MATIC
Total supply: 1,200,000,000 OBR
Decimals: Up to 3
New token emissions: Not available
Token Distribution
80% of the main supply will be distributed for running activities.
10% is allocated for the Team & Advisors.
8% will go to the Liquidity pool.
2% will be kept in Reserve.
Half of the proceeds from the sale of NFT Tickets (50%) will be channeled into the liquidity pool.
How is RUNCOIN Earned?
For every kilometer that a participant runs, they earn 1 RUNCOIN (1km = 1 OBR), with the reward calculated to up to three decimal places. The exact earnings are therefore based on the distance covered by each participant.
RUNCOIN Unlocking Mechanism
The earned RUNCOINs are available for use only upon achieving certain milestones in the total running distance covered by the entire community. The milestones are set at:
10 million kilometers
50 million kilometers
100 million kilometers
250 million kilometers
500 million kilometers
750 million kilometers
1 billion kilometers
This unique mechanic ensures that the community works together towards achieving common goals. It encourages each runner to invite more participants to join the challenge, thereby reaching these milestones faster and unlocking the earned RUNCOINs sooner.
To achieve this common goal faster, invite your running friends to join the challenge!
Last updated